Sunday, 7 September 2008

REVIEW: The Zawose family

The Zawose Family

Witness a precious piece of cultural history at St George's West. The charismatic Tanzanian Zawose family are descended from the late Hukwe Zawose, who became a musical ambassador for their country and enjoyed huge successes in the 1980s. Since his recent death, the family has struggled both to survive and to keep their music alive. A powerful documentary film tells their story, followed by a live performance. The traditional music, on hand-made instruments, is intensely personal and passionate, ranging from gentle lilting magic to exuberant joy. Intricate rhythms and raw, heartfelt vocals provide a unique and intimate experience, which is testament to the importance of music, not just as a pastime but also as a lifestyle and as part of a national identity. Mesmerising and uplifting.

The World @ St George's West, 1 - 30 Aug, 2.00pm (3.10pm), £10.00 (£8.00) (£5.00C), fpp 123
tw rating: 5/5

published: Aug-2008 for Three Weeks newspaper at the Edinburgh Festival

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