Wednesday 17 September 2008

REVIEW: Elizabeth And Raleigh: Late But Live

Elizabeth And Raleigh: Late But Live
Blue Box, Eleanor Lloyd, Festival Highlights, Anthony Field Associates, Underbelly and Skullduggery

With their britches bursting with gags, Sir Walter Raleigh (Miles Jupp) and Queen Elizabeth (Simon Munnery) pull off this glorious display of costumed silliness, following the story of the Queen's relationship with her favourite courtier. Jupp's dashing Raleigh and Munnery's pernickety queen do credit to that quintessentially British obsession with dressing up as our ancestors and ridiculing them, and both actors were on top form. Seeing the pair break character as their own laughter on stage got too much for them was hilarious, especially as Elizabeth force fed Raleigh his beloved mashed potatoes while they sang 'You Don't Bring Me Flowers' to each other, and he knelt at the block in England boxer shorts. Pure showmanship and brilliant entertainment.

Udderbelly's Pasture, 31 Jul - 25 Aug, 10.35pm (11.35pm), prices vary, fpp 48
tw rating: 4/5

published: Aug-2008 for Three Weeks newspaper at the Edinburgh Festival

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